Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hinako's personality

I see myself as conscientious.  One of the examples is I was absent only once last year.  There were 15 weeks to take classes a year but I wanted to get excellent grades to get scholarship of study abroad. It was really important for me to get high GPAs.

Also, I’m competitive when I play sports especially handball.  I have been playing handball since I was an elementary student. When I was a junior high school student, I lost the game which was connected to national competition.  I was really shocked and I regret that I should have practiced more.  In order to go to national competition, I entered the high school that was famous for handball.  However it was not so easy to beat other school and also my team mates. I practiced a lot and finally I was selected as a player who could participate national sports festival twice and I managed to do to national competition with my high school teammates.

I like to think I’m organized.  I have been writing down how much money I spend every day and making money management table using Excel software.  I want to travel a lot so I calculate how much I want to send a trip and how much I should save per a month for my plan.

Next, I believe I’m optimistic and self-sufficient.  I have been to Australia alone.  Then my flight from Dunedin to Auckland has been delayed one hour but l had to take international flight from Auckland to Gold Coast.  When I arrived at Auckland, I had only 30 minutes to take another flight but I felt I would handle it.  Auckland Airport is divided into international one and domestic one so I run to international one but there was a long queue so I felt pressed.  When I passed it, a display had showed ‘final call’.  I was nick of time but I managed to do it.

Finally I’m quite a curious person because I always want to try something new even if it was challenging and difficult. 

I decided to come to New Zealand 3 years ago because I wanted to see my friend again and to improve my English.  When I was 12 years old, I went to Tauranga and had spent time with a family for 1 week.  There were 6 people in the family and I have been contact with 2 of them.  I’m planning to visit them in 2 months and I want to talk about our memories and our recent lives because I could not speak English well.  I do not have exact dream what I want to be in the future but I want to be a person who connects my country and other countries and communicates with a lot of people in English.


  1. keep it up with your hobby. You are a passionate person I reckon. Ike...

  2. Great picture! I can see that you really like handball as I like badminton, hope you can keep up your passion for life and handball.

  3. What a fantastic! You are a perfect girl. And you are very determined to have your strong faith and keep going it! I respect you! Lovely girl!

  4. I respect you because you can do anything, especially grammer:)Please teach me grammer!

  5. so pleasant to have pair work with you and i found 日南子 is lovely and cheerful :D

  6. I believe trying hard is an ability. Everything you have achieved in your life is worthy of praise.
