Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Daiki's personality

Hi, I’m Daiki Fukui came from Osaka which is the metropolis of Japan. I’m going to introduce myself.

About my main personality, Every my friend would say that I’m quite critical or pessimistic person because I would give some questions or criticize someone’s opinion when it comes to consult with others, however, I wouldn’t say I’m critical, I’m just realist and consider up to a detail and then if I have a question or opinion, I’d like to make an action without any hesitation.
I might be regarded as a bit aloof person so far but actually not.  I love talking with friends, especially discussing with others which I think it very inspiring and sometimes I see myself as a busybody or chatterbox.

In regard to my positive point, I’d say I’m diligent student in that I will practice writing an essay every night as much as possible even though after really hard classes, I would try it.

Although I got big improvement on my English, I don’t think I’m good English user, so I wouldn’t stop striving to improve my English until go back to Japan. Taking overall 7.5 in IELTS is my goal in New Zealand.   

Finally, I will finish self-introduction with my motto.
“Practice what you preach”
 If you don’t know this word, please check it out on Goggle.


  1. Are you really from Osaka?
    Anyway there is no doubt that you are diligent in writing.

  2. I think you are as far an amazing person I enjoy talking with.

  3. What a nicely incredible introduction! Keep going for your dream! And you are more affectionate person than you know!

  4. Bud, I think you just finished a brilliant self-introduction! And I really agree with Noori that you are more affectionate person than you know!

  5. your a nice guy and good friend. I like how you so determined to achieve your IELTS goal keep up the hard work and good luck.

  6. You are definitely not aloof rather cute!!!
