Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Frengky's traits

Hi I am Frengky,  semi-tropical, humid, and warm climate of Papua is my hometown which is situated in the eastern part of Indonesia, generally called the land of paradise bird. Papua has a multifarious culture which makes it unique and mysterious. In addition to Papua, it is a community-based region, by any means, people are sociable, friendly, and open-minded.

Enough about Papua and move on to a brief knowledge of my traits. I, as human beings, have several properties which I am really proud of and can be a real pain in the neck either. Here are these figures that I would like to share with you. I picture myself as an extrovert man that as I have a tendency to explore and experience new things. For example, I spend most of my time doing outdoor activities rather than sitting and be a couch potato. However, in wintertime, I consider myself as a couch potato. Also, I think on the surface I resemble a cold fish person due to the laziness in a group that I often emerge, to exemplify this if there is a discussion about a particular topic I look myself as the least speaker to talk, it is not because I do not want to but I like listening to people’s perspectives and observing their ideas. Next, I can also describe myself as someone who strive to always obtain a certain goal in life, my friend often rely on me to do something owing to determined and conscientious character which I believe I have by nature. Marginally indecisive is something that people, who know me well, do not like as I tend to ruin some itinerary activities that have been put together.  

Taking a pharmacy degree at the University of Otago is I personally want to achieve. After finishing the advanced course that I am currently taking, I am going to do the Health Science Foundation studies as the next path by 2018 which I should be accomplished. Then, I am going to the University. This is a short want-to-know-me sort of about me that I story tell to. 


  1. I ain't never seen nothing better than this!!!

  2. Cool mate!! Very sophisticated writing I think!

  3. Frenky!! you are so delightful and kind person but you didn't mention about that. Very pleased to read your writing.

  4. You have never been a cold fish! You are just a warm, hot fish!!! I'm kidding! When we have a conversation, you always listen carefully and show some positive reactions. I admire that!

    1. Hahaha...I think that is the least I can do to share the good vibe.

  5. nice post, Like your personality I think your very cool.

  6. Looking forward to having your hometown Papua shard with us and i believe you have lots of intriguing story to tell :-D
