Tuesday, October 31, 2017

English in Thailand

In my opinion, English should be learned since child because of learning in natural awalys better percept than older. The four skills were necessary taken together such as listening, speaking, reading and writting daily. Furthermore, should be selected Bilingual program from primary school till undergradute or postgraduate. It's preferable to learn in suitable environmental learning and could practiced pronunciation with native english speaker. Lastly, may be try 
to go aboard for instance England or United State of America or some country 
which have the first language is english between summer period for improving of english since young.

English in Japan

In Japan, English is thought as a subject.  Students learn English from elementary school. The amount of the time to study English is more than in elementary school. Students have to pass entrance exam to go to a high school or university. English score is important. In order to get a good score contents of the class focused on entrance exam. It means, students do not practice speaking.   Nowadays, this idea was changed and students can practice speaking more and also, teachers try to teach variety English.

Learning English in Japan

English is regarded as most important foreign language in Japan. We have learnt English with focus on reading and vocabulary through school education since National Center Test for University Admissions do not need skill of speaking. Nowadays, because of increase the importance of speaking skill, the system of National Center Test is supposed to be changed to measure wider range of English abilities including speaking. Consequently, there is a movement to improve English education system in school.

Learning English in Japan

In Japan, we usually learn American English.  We study grammar, reading and listening a lot, yet we don't have many opportunities to speak English.  My university has a room which we mustn't speak Japanese.  However, there are a few people to go there. 
In my opinion, we have to have more opportunity to speak English. 
Japanese government has been trying to improve English education for young pupils.  We have the Olympic game in 2020 and consequently, English and other foreign languages will be more important for us.

English in Kuwait

English is the second language in Kuwait.
It comes after Arabic. Basically in any item in a supermarket or a shop the name of the brand , instructions and ingredients will be in English and Arabic. All of the restaurant have the name in English. There's two types of schools in my country public and private school. In public schools they study everything in Arabic except for English they study it in English of course. In private schools they study everything in English except for Arabic they study it in Arabic. Also you can find foreign people who can't speak Arabic so we have to communicate with them in English. And this is how to write briefly  about English in my country. 

English in Korea

Even thought we don't have many chances to use English in 'real life', English is one of the most important subject for students and someone who wants to get a high salary job. As a result, students and the parents are spending huge amount of money to learn English. I think it's a necessary evil. I hope that students could find the way to escape from the evil and enjoy it.

English use in my country

There are more and more educational resources related to English language learning available for current students , compared with the learning pattern I have been experienced in my young age. This can be beneficial to our learners for a better and effective language acquiring while it has somehow undermined our mother tongue's predomination. I would prefer to make most of these availability to know the broad world and meanwhile never forget the beauty of my mother tongue as well as the profound cultural essence of my home country.

English in Japan

English in Japan
October 31, 2017
           In my country, English is regarded as important. Generally, Japanese think English is very cool, so they often use English in clothes, song and so on. Japanese people start studying grammar and vocabulary when they entered junior high school. Then, there is one native teacher that is called ALT. For Japanese people, English is significant to get a good job, so we have to study English.

Thank you :-)

English in Japan

It is a commonly held perception that English is one of the most important subjects in global society, thus the government try to improve the level of English education very hard, however it tends to focus on Reading and Listening too much, so I think that all kinds of practice should be balanced, not focusing on one side.

Learning English in South Korea

Learning English in South Korea

  I think English education system in South Korea is improving positively than before when I used to learn. Back in the days, it was focused on only grammar and academic vocabulary so, even though people were very good at English exam such as TOEIC, they tended to be frightened in English conversation. However, having experienced that it was no use for a real life English, there has been a lot of efforts to change these problems in public education system so that people could use English for more practically. One of the incredible facts of learning English in my country is that around 7-80% of primary students get private English education besides public education. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

All about English

nowadays many people in Saudi Arabia at least now some basic English, because we have English as a subject in school and most of the university courses are taught in English, in addition, people love movies so some learn from them. but I think Arabic is as important as English in which 22 countries in the world speak it. personally, I like people to speak in any foreign language as long as they don't overuse it over Arabic.  

Thank you. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Natsuki's personality                         

                                                      Natsuki’s Personality
2017, October 19

Hi I'm Natsuki. 

I like to think I’m gentles so it means I’m tender-hearted. When I watch impressive movie I always cry a lot than other people. For example, I watched Titanic with my friends. As the story approach the climax, we couldn’t t stop to cry and tissue in the box of the tissue seemed to be gone. Also, although my text book said I’m not planner, I consider myself planner. This is because, when I and my friend decide to go to Queenstown, almost all things such as booking of hotel or bus and things that we will do are almost planned by me. Also, I like to thinking about plan of weekend. 

However, I’m sometimes sensitive and I always care about the other’s feeling. I’m afraid that someone dislike me. I know it is difficult that all people like me, so I want to acquire more confident or strong heart. Also, on the surface people think I’m ok being alone, but deep down I will be more happiness if I spend on time with my friends. I try to talk to many people even if I’m very shy.

In conclusion, In the Language Centre, of course I must study English hardly. Also, I want to make more friends who are not Japanese. To make more friends, I have to be an outgoing person. There are only two months I can learn English here. Before I go back to Japan, I want to have fun in advanced class. 

Thank you :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Moe s personality

Moe’s Personality

Moe Kato

 I would like to describe my personality from a subjective and an objective point of view.

 Firstly, I consider myself energetic but at the same time I sometimes tend to be instinctive. In other words, I do something promptly when I come up with an idea. For example, I often can see many young people, riding on a skateboard since I came to New Zealand. Moreover that scene always encouraged me to buy a skateboard and finally I bought my own one. On the surface I am spontaneous as I mentioned, but deep down I am pretty lazy because I have not only practiced but also touched it for a couple of weeks already. I can guess I was satisfied at the moment to buy a skateboard.

  Secondly, I like to I am sympathetic. For instance, whenever I see my friends crying, I cannot help crying together with them. Nevertheless I can be emotional so I sometimes get angry easily. This is my weak point which I should break.  

 While my friends says that I am out-going and extrovert person, and also I believe that. I have a slightly confidence to speak to new group of people when I meet them.

 In conclusion, the reason I came to New Zealand is to be able to communicate with foreigner and travel around the world by myself. One of the reason why I want to go abroad by myself is because I long for my English teacher. My English teacher trip foreign country at least once a year and she successes to get to know new people who she meet there. Furthermore she strongly recommended New Zealand as a suitable country to study abroad because of safety and nature, finally I decided New Zealand. Hence; my goal is to learn everyday English to speak a lot of nation’s people spending same time in this country and I wish I could use my English for my future job to work another country.

Reem Al-Qallaf

Well, I’m not sure how to start talking about my personality. Because it definitely will change every year. But if I would describe it today I would say that I’m straightforward. Only because I like being simple, humble and modest. I think being like that helps me with a lot of things such as gaining a lot of friends which is a great thing. People usually think about having a friend that can understand them without worrying about what they are going to say about them.  Another thing about my personality would be that I tend to be really caring. I hate making people sad I don’t think anyone likes it. I can say that I care about peoples’ feelings. Sometimes It’s hard for me to make everyone happy at the same time but I try as much as I can to make them. Understanding is another character of me I mean understanding people is important to avoid problems or arguments about stupid things. About me having someone that can understand you is really important so you can get help from them. There is an important character which is I’m a fun-lover. I think 99.9% of people will agree with me about being a fun-lover can help you a lot in the grief times. You can always forget about your problems and just have fun. And last but not least, Sometimes I see my self a good motivator  I like giving people a good motivation without lying or exaggerating of course. Just help them to build up their courage. And that’s all I can think of my personality.

Sangeun's Personality

Sangeun’s Personality

Hello, friends! This is Sangeun. Now, I’m going to talk about my personality. It’s not quite pleasant to talk about myself, but I will.

Firstly, I must say I have a tendency to be pretty introvert. I feel very hard to start conversations when I meet people who I don’t know, so I tend to be keeping silence at the first meeting of strangers. What’s more, I used to choose the back seat when I was in university so that nobody couldn’t recognise me. I’m inclined to have a hard time when strangers pay attention to me. In that situation, my face will be turned red, voice will be shaking. In worst situation, tears will flow on my cheek. However, I’m rather talkative and outgoing when I’m with my family or friends. I enjoy party, travelling with friends or family and extreme sports like rafting, quad biking and skiing.

Secondly, I have an inclination to be very spontaneous. When I go shopping, I never write down what I need to buy. While looking around shops, I tend to buy something that I think I need, so sometimes there are a plenty of snack bags in my kitchen. Even, when I make a decision, I don’t have a tendency to think logically, I just follow my gut feeling, but I’ll have been thinking about it in a very long period. However, I won’t think about it very seriously, just live with it. Then, someday, suddenly, the decision will come to me. Then, I will do it, whatever it is.

Lastly, I like to think I’m a generous person. I like giving away something to others. I don’t care much about when people make mistakes. I’m trying to understand their situation. I think anyone can make a mistake, mostly, it doesn’t make a big problem. Even if it’s quite serious, we will have a chance to revise it. So, I don’t mind that much.

When I made a decision to come to NZ, I’ve never thought about it very seriously. I just talked to my husband I wanted to come to NZ with my children, he agreed with me, so I came. Now, I’m enjoying my class and life in Dunedin. However, if I had planned well and more precisely, I could have spent my time more efficiently.  But I have to confess that if I have a same situation, I will make a decision in a same way. Because it's who I am.


Being working in Africa and travelling in different countries from Northern Hemisphere to southern part of the world, I have become the one who is prone to follow what her inner voice utters. Now I could say I see myself as an open-minded and mature person with diverse perspective to life.

To be honest, I was a girl with somewhat sarcastic view on many events but after many years travelling experience , I realized I changed a lot. It reminded me of the time when I was trekking to Mt.Kailash Kora in Tibet , the harsh environmental condition and amazing Tibetan culture made me ponder the meaning of life for the first time. After setting foot on the remote African continent and living with the local African people for a long period of time, I realized that I became the person who was not easily make any judgement by appearance if the situation I did not truly knew about. Over time, I would like to see the people , life as well as the world with more understanding and compassion over prejudice and criticism. If trekking in wildness could deepen the way of my thinking, the life in Africa could be seen to have my width of thinking broaden.  That is the reason why I haven’t stopped my step exploring on the different continent with a heart of exploration. Some friends in my home country have seen me as somehow idealist, I saw their points but I was pleased with the way of life I chose. Idealism could be understood in a positive way particularly when you put your idea into practice and when you held belief of love on life and truly acted on it.

 Now I have headed for a new continent pursuing a new career change. I realize a different me again in this place with courage and resilience for restarting completely new lifestyle. I love to explore the outside world as well as the inside me and keep curious about how further I could go and how much I could achieve. Only by truly having experienced a bitter life can people strongly realize the sweetness of it. That’ s what I am experiencing now and hope to keep pursing something meaningful and valuable than just making a living. That’ who I am, a no more young girl with her own aspiration and on the surface seems introvert but deep down warm and enthusiastic.

Introduction of Noori Chun

Self-Introduction of me –Noori Chun

      I would like to describe myself with many different expressions. As we know, it is not easy to define people’s personalities as they tend to have double-sided characters. For example, on the surface someone seems extroverted, but deep down he could be extremely introverted. Like this, I also consider myself who have both double-sided characters, so I will try to depict myself as honest as possible I can.
     First of all, I’m quite down to earth. When I go shopping, I tend to buy items which are cheaper and more practical to use than its design or popularity. I believe I’m a very frugal person. To come to New Zealand, I accumulated some money for several years not to spend money for something I don’t needed. However, very occasionally, I go on a shopping spree regardless my intention so I spend a lot of money for that. I can see myself as a spontaneous person as well.
   Secondly, I like to think that I’ve got a heart of gold which means I do like helping other people and try to understand their mind. As I’m getting older, I feel that many people around me like my family. I don’t know why, but I feel much better when I help people then get something from others. Of course I like it someone gives me a present! I think the personalities,  ‘sympathy’ or ‘compassion’ may be gifted. But to be perfectly honest, I’m a cold fish to my husband!!!
  Thirdly, I’m timid. In Korea, it is believed that people with blood type A tend to be very timid, the funny thing is that I’m ‘B’. I don’t know why but I’m quite indecisive. For instance, when I’m in a situation to make a decision with other people, it makes me very nervous. In my opinion, it may have been affected by the Asian culture that I were educated not to object others which can cause conflict or hurt them.
 Last of all, as explained above, we all have different characters, even I have both bright and dark side of my personalities. Nevertheless, the reason why the rainbow is beautiful is that it has various colours which makes the magnificent harmonious.

   My goal in OLC.

  I have two reasons to come to NZ.

First, absolutely to study English.

Second, to enjoy my life with my family!

I think I’m doing very weeeellll!!!!