Wednesday, January 31, 2018

JaeHee Lee - Who am I

Who am I

Lee JeaHee

The question ‘Who am I?’ seems simple but when we think about it deeply, it is a very complicated and difficult question to answer. We do care about and consider other people and try to suit ourselves to them but we don’t think about what I like, what I hate, what I am interested in, and which values I have. So I have considered four important things about me, and want to explain why these are significant to understanding me.

The first one is language. My father studied Chinese, so since I was young, I used to hear foreign language. Probably influenced by my father, I have been interested in language. It’s very intriguing to learn the difference of sense and nuance of each language. So I learned Japanese for 2 years in high school and I am studying English language and literature now. Also I want to learn Spanish because their pronunciation and culture are interesting. I’m thinking about taking a translation class next semester to deeply learn the subtleness of foreign languages.

In addition, music is an important aspect of me. Because of my parents’ taste, I grew up listening to classical music. From that, I became naturally interested in music and learned classical piano and flute. At one time, my dream was to be a pianist but I play piano just for a hobby and in a church accompaniment now. Also I like bands and pop music. When I was a first year student, I played piano in the school band and with my language interest, I listen to pop songs a lot.

Not only that, religion is an influential aspect of me. I am protestant and my whole family is protestant too. I went to church and prayed from by birth, so religion has become a part of my life. Christian values help me to recover from wounds and sorrow and make me calm in difficult situations. Belief that someone knows me better than my parents, cares about my feeling, loves me, and always watches over me gives me strength to overcome hardships.

Another point is delicious food! I love eating food. I want to talk about my two favourite foods in Korea and New Zealand. I love tteokbokki, stir-fried rice cake. This food is made of thin rice cake sticks stir-fried in spicy sauce called gochu-jang with vegetable and fish cakes. Because the hot sauce makes it tastier, I like this food. And a second one is fish and chips! Mild and soft fish and salty and savoury chips make my mouth water.

In conclusion, my identity can be represented by my interests and religion. I am interested in foreign languages, music, and delicious foods and religion is a guideline and a standard of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are so attractive girl! All of your talents will make you a wonderfully amazing person. I love your passion!
